Yes I'm being serious, shut up and blog, too often I hear people talk and talk and talk about how they wish the blogged or started a business, or went skydiving or whatever. The sad part is in 5 years from now they will still be talking about how they will or should do ... insert your own unfulfilled promise here. Simply put talk is cheap, which is why most people do a lot of it, accomplishment has value, both of what you put in and what you get out. Ask anyone who has done something you admire if now that they look back on the journey to do this amazing thing, if the learned anything, chances are they will say something to the effect of more than I will ever know.
So Get Going
Now that we have an understanding that blogging will be tough, and that there will be work involved, how about you do some of that, yeah i mean work. It doesn't have to be 5 posts a day to start off with, it can be as simple as 1 post a month. Commit to something, anything and then keep your commitments. Most people fair not because they didn't try, most people fail because they were committed to that failure was an acceptable outcome from the beginning. If that is your mind frame, please do you self a favor ad disregard my advise, do not start blogging. To you: I say just sit right there on the couch.
What's next?
What's next you ask, it's simple, commit yourself to "doing" and then DO. I know it sounds way too easy to simply be just that, but honestly it is that simple, yet most people will think I'm full of it and won't do this simple thing that will essentially provide them all that they are wanting and then some, and to you who doubt, I wish you luck because luck is all your going to get.
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