What do I need to do to get started with ebay? Thats the question many people ask every day and many more will ask in the days to come. As an experienced user of the web and ebay its simple enough, but to the in-experienced or someone who is new to the web and new to ebay it can appear an insurmountable task.
In answer to this and many other questions about ebay, there is a site www.galaxis-private-income.ws/EBA that will help answer some of those questions.
The first page worth a visit is called How To Get Started On eBay this will supply answers to some very basic questions. One snippet it gives you is that ebay is a 70 billion dollar a year industry giant, and they are dependent on entrepreneurs to make that business figure grow. Entrepreneurs mean people like you and me. In 2005, the number of people making money from working on ebay increased by 68%. As ebay researched, over 724,000 million people either make a full time or a supplemental income from working ebay. And another 1.5 million say that ebay gives them additional income throughout the year. I didnt know any of that. Having read this page I then headed to the page covering Joining Ebay.
Another page I found particularly useful was the Anatomy of a Sale page. It breaks down the sale or the ebay auction life cycle into eight distinct steps. It starts with the first step Prospective buyer registers to sell. Before a seller can begin selling items on eBay they must register. The registration process is easy and only requires you to put in basic information about yourself.
Whilst I cant cover all the pages on the website in this article, which means you will have to there to read the rest I can point you to another page of which I found particular interest The 9 Prohibited Items You Can't Sell. I had always believed that you could sell and buy anything on ebay. However, after reading this page I now appreciate that this is not true and there are a number of items, which may not be sold. After reading the page I thought how obvious this should have been to me and I was annoyed at myself for not realizing it in the first place.
I am going to finish this article by mentioning the following pages which when read one after the other may answer the questions you have if your going to be building your ebay business. These pages are What Shall I Sell on eBay followed by Finding Your Niche on eBay and the one that matters the most where to find product which is covered in Bargain Sources for Resale on Ebay. In addition to all that has been covered in this article there another seven pages of relevant information on this site that cover subjects of
* 5 steps to building you ebay business
* Become an ebook PowerSeller
* Dont lose an ebay ebook sale
* Selling on ebay UK
* The ebay product challenge
* The silent sales machine hiding on ebay
Information sites rarely come with what I call useful information, but I must confess I found this one extremely informative and useful.
Stephen J Skyvington-Diplock has been active on the web for nearly three years. Currently he has a number of websites on the web marketing various products in various niche markets. You can reach him at
galaxisoptin@btconnect.com. Or visit his websites at www.galaxis-private-income.ws or