Blogger BlogNet64258

5 Things You Need to Know That Will Earn You Money From Blogging

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If you have been wondering why other people make money from their blogs while your are still not making anything from yours, well here are 5 things you need to know before you start blogging. If you follow them closely you will be on your way to making your blog spits out money like a broken ATM machine.

1 -Let your blog posts be as simple as it can be, do not write about irrelevant things that does not have anything to do with what you are trying to promote,Search engines, such as Google, Yahoo! Or MSN are looking for real, good contents.

2 -Your posts should provide your visitors with some information which they may not know, or want to know. Hence, provide them with information or links to the information your visitors will like to know, your posts should be well written that even a three year old can understand it, that is it should be self explanatory.

3 -You must update your blog on a regular basis, you have visitors coming to your blog does not mean that you should stop blogging, Regular updating of your blog can help you sustain the amount of visitors that come to your blog. When you stop blogging, your visitors may also stop coming back to your blog again. This does not mean you should update it every day, but when ever you can.

4 -Find a way to make your visitors come back to your blog for more after you have brought visitors to your blog, try to make them your blog fans. Try putting a RSS reader button on your blog so they can subscribe to it.

5 -Do a bit of market research to find out what are the areas which people are looking for. Research the topic you are blogging on in other to get paid from it and always try to blog on something that is profitable..

With these five points you should be making money as soon as you start applying them.

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Blogger BlogNet64258: 5 Things You Need to Know That Will Earn You Money From Blogging

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